Aaah yeah, tbh I didn't think anyone would *not* have .NET in 2020!
There's a bunch more information over on the Nops page btw, I just added a pretty comprehensive user guide:
you might be interested in /fast
XFlash CD:
just call something whatever.rom, drop it on a CD (CDXA Mode 2) and launch it from the file explorer, the flasher will pick up on that.
The "XFlash CD" menu entry no longer has a corresponding file on the CD... it's just for if you want to switch the disc for an *actual* xflash CD. You could always add one the CD, etc, but it's a bit unnecessary!
Unirom 6 uses parallel IO, but I don't have the hardware for that, so I'm not supporting it any more

. You can use it to flash Unirom 8 via XFlash/XKiller though.
"Using a Windows 7 laptop, I tried to get nops.exe to work with UniROM, 8.0.C, and it says downloading on the TV, but then that's it. I tried with a 10k ohm resistor (must it be 8k?), but still no luck.
How long does the hello world that comes with the nops.exe take with the serial connection? I did wait a while..."
It should be like 2-3 seconds and show progress.
Are you using the version of nops that shipped with the version of unirom you're using?
There's been a few protocol upgrades along the way... backwards compatible, but y'know.
If you open the serial connection in putty (115200, 8 bit, no parity, 2 stop bits), you can type into it and unirom will respond, you can use this to test your serial connection.
God damn, that nocash kernel stuff looks like fun, and all nicely intergrated

I really should get around to giving it a shot!
Hah, oh no I think you just got lucky (unlucky?) with that particular boot.
There's really no longer any code listening for L1 being pushed!
(Not since like 8.06 or something quite old)