[Question] Help needed for transparent PIX/TIM editing

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[Question] Help needed for transparent PIX/TIM editing

Post by Deli295 » April 2nd, 2021, 11:20 am

Hi, new to the forum. This is not a question about developing but rather about modding.
The thing is that I wanna restore the memos' backgrounds in the PSX version of Resident Evil 1996 and I need help to understand the picture formats the PSX uses better.

The original Japanese version of the game memos look like this:

The background and green arrow are stored as a TIM image, but the text is on a separate file in PIX format, which I've been told is a headerless TIM file. By adding a random header on the PIX file, I got it to open on Tim2view:

On the other hand, the US version looks like this:

The TIM background file is present on the disc but unused, and the text is again on a PIX file, but by adding a header to it, it looks like this:

This leads me to think that the text is embedded in a black background.

My plan is to make use of the TIM backgrounds and put them behind the English text. I'm not expecting an overall solution obviously, but if you can give me tips on where to get started, I'd really appreciate it. Thanks in advance.

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Post by inc^lightforce » April 15th, 2021, 5:26 am

I would load the english Image into my paint program.
Use real Black and fill this darkish orange or brown? with Black.
Now save as 8bit bmp Image and load it into timtool.
Now Set Black as transparent.
Sort cluts and save.

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Post by Deli295 » April 18th, 2021, 7:04 am

Thanks for the tip, I'll try that out!

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