PU-18 Best modchip ?

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PU-18 Best modchip ?

Post by locarno » July 30th, 2016, 7:39 pm

Which is the best modchip for PU-18 motherboard ? Please send dump, and diagram.

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Post by likeabaus » July 31st, 2016, 1:00 am

Have you seen this? http://assemblergames.com/l/threads/psn ... els.57907/

Its an Arduino based open source stealth modchip for all models of the psx/ps1/psone. I just got my Arduino Uno in the mail, and I'm planning on modding my scph-9001 soon with this. I think it would be a fun little project to work on and since this model doesn't have a parallel port, its the next best option for me :P

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Post by Administrator » July 31st, 2016, 4:55 pm

People used to use the OldCrow chips for PU-8's, but depending on the games you would like to play, you may require a stealth chip (for games like Spyro 2). MultiMode chips I believe are stealth chips.

Development Console: SCPH-5502 with 8MB RAM, MM3 Modchip, PAL 60 Colour Modification (for NTSC), PSIO Switch Board, DB-9 breakout headers for both RGB and Serial output and an Xplorer with CAETLA 0.34.

PlayStation Development PC: Windows 98 SE, Pentium 3 at 400MHz, 128MB SDRAM, DTL-H2000, DTL-H2010, DTL-H201A, DTL-S2020 (with 4GB SCSI-2 HDD), 21" Sony G420, CD-R burner, 3.25" and 5.25" Floppy Diskette Drives, ZIP 100 Diskette Drive and an IBM Model M keyboard.

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