Siocons speed?

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Siocons speed?

Post by gwald » January 8th, 2016, 1:49 am

So I got the yaroze SDK up and running on VirtualBox(linux host) using winME (win98 didn't detect the com1 port).
I ran the c:/dev/psx/quick/tuto0 example (just writes HELLOW WORLD! to the screen) its 22k @ 115200bps and it does it in 3minutes :shock:

I don't remember taking that long, is that normal?
(22,000,000 (bits )÷ 115,200 (bps) ) ÷ 60(sec per min) = 3mins I guess that's right :dance

Also, anyone know why there's the escape characters? ie Type <-[7m F1 [ <-[7m 36; 1;

Color codes fix for windows ME

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Post by gwald » January 8th, 2016, 2:38 am

Strange the escape chars seems to made it work a lot fast :clap

:naughty Nope, it was previously loaded, a new load had the same time :roll:
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Post by gwald » January 8th, 2016, 11:28 am

What a headf :evil:

Siocons runs on winXP so I thought I would send the builds from winME to winXP and that batch0 example runs a lot fast :clap

I thought maybe linux/VBox was slowing it down but it's not..

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Post by gwald » January 8th, 2016, 6:46 pm

Turns out the WinME com1 didn't fully or correctly detect the VM hardware.
"Hardware version: not available", I'm guessing that's why it's so crap.

But I tried testing if it detects USBs, and even with the PCI USB HW undetected, it can still register and use simple USB devices like a USB mouse and twin USB joypads.. both tested working, but a cheap USB webcam, didn't.

So I'm hoping a cheap USB to serial port would go through and work, that would great.
If not, then I'm looking for old HW, because the gdb doesn't work on winXP :(
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