Search found 38 matches

by MihaiGamerXD
January 26th, 2021, 9:20 pm
Forum: Input/Output
Topic: Problems with Multitap.
Replies: 2
Views: 15532

Re: Problems with Multitap.

There isn't a problem with the multitap library. The problem may be something in your code but my guess is the emulator is doing something wrong. Don't use emulators for testing. They are not accurate and none really emulated the multitap protocol correctly. That's what I was thinking that emulator...
by MihaiGamerXD
January 26th, 2021, 2:29 am
Forum: Input/Output
Topic: Problems with Multitap.
Replies: 2
Views: 15532

Problems with Multitap.

Hi! I have a problem with Multitap controls. The only thing I'm trying to fix is the sprite movement: When I move the sprite with digital/analog controls, the sprite sometimes it doesn't stop moving, but after some moments it stops moving. I don't think there's a way to fix that problem because it m...
by MihaiGamerXD
December 8th, 2020, 3:30 am
Forum: Input/Output
Topic: Problems with Vibration.
Replies: 0
Views: 12985

Problems with Vibration.

Hi all, I have a problem with vibration and I don't understand how it works, the vibration is not working anymore, my controller doesn't vibrate anymore, I'm sure that I'm wrong at my code and I don't know how to fix. Can you help me please? void controller() { int ret = 0; int set = 0; int type = 0...
by MihaiGamerXD
January 22nd, 2020, 11:51 pm
Forum: Graphics/GPU
Topic: Hi-res looks glitchy on Real Console?
Replies: 3
Views: 18826

Re: Hi-res looks glitchy on Real Console?

Check your GPU buffer positions and setup flags. IE: GsNONINTER GsDefDispBuff(0, 0, 0, SCREEN_HEIGHT); Ok... Used GsINTER and GsDefDispBuff(0,0,0,0), same problem. You should reset callbacks before initialising new ones. Got it. Seems to be okay on emulator, didn't tested on real console, I'll edit...
by MihaiGamerXD
January 22nd, 2020, 7:11 am
Forum: Graphics/GPU
Topic: Hi-res looks glitchy on Real Console?
Replies: 3
Views: 18826

Hi-res looks glitchy on Real Console?

Hello, I got a serious problem, and I don't know exactly what was caused. When I use hi-res mode on my Real Console, it looks glitchy, and transparently. I really don't know what is going on, I'm very confused! I also looked in OT, seems to be okay enough. And on Emulators doesn't happen like that, ...
by MihaiGamerXD
December 20th, 2019, 2:50 am
Forum: CD-ROM
Topic: Trying to read the TIM file.
Replies: 7
Views: 27188

Re: Trying to read the TIM file.

Already found out, how to load a TIM file from the CD. This is the code, on loading a TIM file from the CD: //... #include <libcd.h> char filebuffer[614424]; //I'll have to use this char for reading file from the CD, but still works. CdlFILE fp; //... int main() { GsIMAGE tim; RECT rect; CdInit(); /...
by MihaiGamerXD
December 20th, 2019, 2:32 am
Forum: Graphics/GPU
Topic: Easiest way to make a Sprite?
Replies: 13
Views: 31210

Re: Easiest way to make a Sprite?

Ah, I wasn't paying enough attention... My bad. Judging by what I've sifted through your code so far, it appears you're mixing libgpu and libgs stuff, but your main.c does not appear to be initializing libgs. Your timlib.c has code to not only load the TIM to VRAM but also to prepare a GsSPRITE str...
by MihaiGamerXD
August 30th, 2019, 11:48 pm
Forum: CD-ROM
Topic: Trying to read the TIM file.
Replies: 7
Views: 27188

Re: Trying to read the TIM file.

Judging from the source you posted, you're trying to read a TIM image by merely compiling the code without creating any disc image whatsoever... If you aren't that familiar with creating psx disc images you're better off embedding the TIM file inside the exe. Also I don't understand why you're allo...
by MihaiGamerXD
August 30th, 2019, 2:19 am
Forum: CD-ROM
Topic: Trying to read the TIM file.
Replies: 7
Views: 27188

Re: Trying to read the TIM file.

Turn on compiler warnings. You're missing a closing bracket at the end of the first statement. TIMLogo should be hopefully defined as an unsigned long pointer (you should use malloc for better memory management but that can be worked in later if need be). Don't use nbyte. Use &fp.size (but it m...
by MihaiGamerXD
August 25th, 2019, 1:54 am
Forum: CD-ROM
Topic: Trying to read the TIM file.
Replies: 7
Views: 27188

Trying to read the TIM file.

I got another serious problem! I'm trying to read the TIM file using this code:

Code: Select all

if (CdSearchFile(&file,"\\LOGO.TIM;1") {
But it crashes! Any ideas?
by MihaiGamerXD
August 24th, 2019, 10:56 pm
Forum: Graphics/GPU
Topic: Trying to get the FPS limit
Replies: 3
Views: 10813

Re: Trying to get the FPS limit

You need to install a VSync callback which will run a counter, and update a variable that will be your FPS from a variable that is updated constantly on every screen update. volatile int fps; volatile int fps_counter; volatile int fps_measure; void vsync_cb(void) { fps_counter++; if( fps_counter > ...
by MihaiGamerXD
August 24th, 2019, 10:28 pm
Forum: Graphics/GPU
Topic: How to workaround black borders in Pal + graphic glitch using (w)x512 resolutions
Replies: 7
Views: 16635

Re: How to workaround black borders in Pal + graphic glitch using (w)x512 resolutions

LameGuy64 wrote: August 24th, 2019, 12:26 pm

Code: Select all

GsDISPENV.screen.y = 16;
You're wrong! the Y position can't be 16 if you use 256 vertical resolution instead 512. So you use 256 (same as the vertical resolution) instead 16.
by MihaiGamerXD
August 24th, 2019, 8:20 am
Forum: Graphics/GPU
Topic: Trying to get the FPS limit
Replies: 3
Views: 10813

Re: Trying to get the FPS limit

Found out for myself how to get.

Code: Select all

And it gives me 14 FPS?! :shock: How can I set it back to 60 FPS?
by MihaiGamerXD
August 24th, 2019, 7:30 am
Forum: Graphics/GPU
Topic: [Question] Screen scale?
Replies: 13
Views: 38792

Re: [Question] Screen scale?

I can see. But your second screenshot is the same as the video! Isn't it?

EDIT: Also, give me your source code so I can help you.
by MihaiGamerXD
August 24th, 2019, 4:02 am
Forum: Graphics/GPU
Topic: Trying to get the FPS limit
Replies: 3
Views: 10813

Trying to get the FPS limit

Hi PSXDev!
I'm trying to get the FPS limit, and I can't find out in "LIBREF46.PDF".
Just use something like this: "FntPrint("%s",getFPS())".
Is it possible?
by MihaiGamerXD
August 24th, 2019, 3:50 am
Forum: Graphics/GPU
Topic: [Question] Screen scale?
Replies: 13
Views: 38792

Re: [Question] Screen scale?

Mm... I don't think it's possible, I didn't tried out.
by MihaiGamerXD
August 23rd, 2019, 10:58 pm
Forum: Graphics/GPU
Topic: How to workaround black borders in Pal + graphic glitch using (w)x512 resolutions
Replies: 7
Views: 16635

Re: How to workaround black borders in Pal + graphic glitch using (w)x512 resolutions

LameGuy64 wrote: August 23rd, 2019, 2:23 pm You use GsINTER only if you set a vertical resolution greater than 256, such as 480 for NTSC and 512 for PAL.
Mm... But I read that GsINTER was used for PAL, and GsNONINTER for NTSC.
And it doesn't matter if I set the vertical resolution greater than 256 for PAL or 240 for NTSC!
by MihaiGamerXD
August 23rd, 2019, 9:57 am
Forum: Graphics/GPU
Topic: How to workaround black borders in Pal + graphic glitch using (w)x512 resolutions
Replies: 7
Views: 16635

Re: How to workaround black borders in Pal + graphic glitch using (w)x512 resolutions

As Lameguy64 says, it only supports fixed resolution, as we can understand more, for NTSC, use GsNONINTER, or for PAL, use GsINTER. And in "MAKEFILE.MAK" file, find "cpe2x /ce main.cpe" line, and change "/ce" to "/ca" for NTSC, if you use the PAL version, don'...
by MihaiGamerXD
August 20th, 2019, 7:13 am
Forum: General Chat & Messaging
Topic: PS1 Soft Reboot?
Replies: 8
Views: 19623

Re: PS1 Soft Reboot?

Shadow wrote: August 20th, 2019, 6:59 am Yeah, it's bugged I think. Don't use it. Just jump directly to the BIOS address instead.

Code: Select all

((void (*)())0xBFC00000)();
Thanks Shadow, it worked, and thanks for the fast reply!
I was just curious to see what happens. Anyway thank you.
I'm going to use this code for my demo game.
by MihaiGamerXD
August 20th, 2019, 6:28 am
Forum: General Chat & Messaging
Topic: PS1 Soft Reboot?
Replies: 8
Views: 19623

Re: PS1 Soft Reboot?

NITROYUASH wrote: June 30th, 2019, 12:34 am Found this in Psy-Q:
I tried this code, but it crashes!