Kernel ROM chip part numbers

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Kernel ROM chip part numbers

Post by nocash » August 8th, 2016, 10:17 pm

Ever gazed at a PCB and thought that you had identified all chips - except, not having a glimpse of an idea what kernel version might hide in the M53403xx-xx chip? While having a bunch of PSX mainboards around, I thought it'd be time to make a list of known kernel chips:

Code: Select all

  ver  crc32    pins  chip name                               checked by/from     mechacon           board name         console         ;notes
  0.xj 18D0F7D8 ?     ?                                       -                   -                  -                  DTL-H2000       ;
  1.0j 3B601FC8 40pin "[SONY], RS534340F 1002 4KF 74"         TriMesh             424666             PU-7 1-655-322-11  SCPH-1000 J     ;
  1.1j 3539DEF6 40pin "[SONY] 1002, MX23L4100-15, 26231A"     Traace              424660             PU-7 1-655-322-15  SCPH-3000 J     ;
  2.0a 55847D8C ?     ?                                       -                   -                  -                  -               ;
  2.0e 9BB87C4B ?     ?                                       -                   -                  -                  -               ;
  2.1j BC190209 ?     ?                                       -                   -                  -                  -               ;
  2.1a AFF00F2F 40pin "[SONY], KF5203Y 2021, KM23V4100CG-15"  Nocash/Jackal       424659             PU-8  1-658-467-11 SCPH-1001 U/C   ;v2.1a formerly believed to be used [only] by DTL-H1101
  2.1e 86C30531 40pin "[SONY], M534032C-05 JAPAN, 5402314-A"  Nocash/Jackal       424686             PU-8  1-658-467-11 SCPH-1002 PAL   ;
  2.2j 24FC7E17 ?     ?                                       -                   -                  -                  -               ;
  2.2a 37157331 ?     ?                                       -                   -                  -                  -               ;
  2.2e 1E26792F 32pin "[SONY], M534031C-25 JAPAN, 6262372"    Nocash/T.Petto      C 3021, SC430917PB PU-8  1-658-467-22 SCPH-1002 PAL   ;
  2.2d DECB22F5 ?     ?                                       -                   -                  -                  -               ;
  2.2v 446EC5B2 44pin "[SONY], M538032E-02 JAPAN, 646540I"    Nocash/TriMesh      C 4021, SC430924PB PU-16 1-665-191-11 SCPH-5903 Asia  ;VCD, 1Mbyte
  3.0j FF3EEB8C 32pin "[SONY], 1030"                          Rama                C 1030, SC430925PB PU-18 1-664-537-31 SCPH-5500 J     ;single EDO RAM Chip (IC106), 4 ferrite beads on disc motor lines
  3.0a 8D8CB7E4 ?     ?                                       -                   -                  -                  -               ;
  3.0e D786F0B9 32pin "[SONY], 3030"                          Nocash/T.Petto      C 3030, SC430929PB PU-18 1-664-537-62 SCPH-5502 PAL   ;
  4.0j EC541CD0 ?     ?                                       -                   -                  -                  -               ;
  4.1w B7C43DAD ?     ?                                       -                   -                  -                  -               ;
  4.1a 502224B6 32pin "[SONY] C 2041 9948 0"                  Bluesfire           C 2060, SC430944PB PU-23 1-674-987-31 SCPH-9001 U/C   ;
  4.1e 318178BF 32pin "[SONY], M534031E-10 JAPAN, 819232B"    Nocash/Jackal       C 3040, SC430935PB PU-20 1-668-413-32 SCPH-7002 PAL   ;
  4.3j F2AF798B ?     ?                                       -                   -                  -                  -               ;
  4.4a 6A0E22A0 32pin "[SONY], M534031E-40 JAPAN, 0302401"    Firefall            C 2060, SC430944PB PM-41 1-679-335-21 SCPH-101  U/C   ;
  4.4e 0BAD7EA9 32pin "[SONY], M27V401D-41 JAPAN, 0462405"    Nocash/Axel         C 3060, SC430943PB PM-41 1-679-335-51 SCPH-102  PAL   ;M27V401D might be a PROM instead ROM?
  4.5a 171BDCEC ?     ?                                       -                   -                  -                  -               ;
  4.5e 76B880E5 32pin "[SONY], M534031E-47 JAPAN, 1362437"    Nocash/Julian/Makus C 3060, SC430943PB PM-41 1-679-335-51 SCPH-102  PAL   ;M534031E-47 also used on PM-41(2)
  5.0t B7EF81A9 ?     ?                                       -                   -                  -                  -               ;

The CRC32's are from known dumps, but most of them without known chip part numbers yet. So far there are 25 known CRC's, and 7 known chips. But the list isn't nearly complete yet.
In the end I would excpect 30-50 different CRCs (when adding stuff like DTL-H kernels), and, even more chip part numbers (assuming that some versions exist with different markings), the normal numbering scheme seems to be the "M53403xx-xx" numbering, but there are some odd numbers like "KF5203Y 2021, KM23V4100CG-15" (different manufacturer maybe), "3030" (kinda short name), and "M27V401D-41" (looks like a prom instead mask rom).
So, even if you think that your kernel is already dumped - best verify the chip part number and crc32 to make sure that's really already a known dumped chip. For example, until yesterday, CRC32=AFF00F2F was believed to be used (only) in DTL-H1101, but now that kernel version turned out to be (also) used in regular SCPH-1001 consoles. So there should be a good chance to discover something that wasn't yet documented.

If you have info for more kernels/PCBs, please also include the mechacon/board/console names (as in the list above). And of course, make sure that the info is correct (ie. info like "I've downloaded this ROM somewhere and believe that it might come from a PU-xx board" doesn't count).

EDIT: A tool for displaying the kernel's CRC32 on TV screen is here: (in the main menu, go to General Tests)
Last edited by nocash on May 2nd, 2024, 12:14 am, edited 11 times in total.

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Post by TriMesh » August 13th, 2016, 10:14 pm

I will have a look through the consoles I have, but for the moment, here's the data for one of the chips in your list:

CRC $3b601fc8 - V1.0 NTSC/J 40 pin (C) SONY COMPUTER ENTERTAINMENT INC. RS534340F 1002 4KF 74 Mechacon 424666 PU-7 1-655-322-11 SCPH-1000

This is an early production SCPH-1000 - all of the parts have date codes from before the launch date and the CPU seems to have been reworked - which suggests that this was one of the boards originally built with a CXD8530Q which was then replaced with the CXD8530AQ that's now installed.

Oh, and if you want to see the boot ROM CRC, there is a disc called "ROMID" that does that.

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Post by likeabaus » August 14th, 2016, 3:48 am

Whoa, I didn't realize the psx had any sort of proper kernel (for its time), I figured everything ran on "bare metal" like most consoles from that era. Very interesting....

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Post by nocash » August 24th, 2016, 1:01 am

TriMesh wrote:Oh, and if you want to see the boot ROM CRC, there is a disc called "ROMID" that does that.
Good to know... that tool is bit hard to find, it's mentioned here ... l-cd-unit/ ... and the actual ROMID download is here: (that link points to a file called "[email protected]", thich contains "PSX ROMid 1.7.0"). The tool is in CUE/BIN format (no raw EXE file), so it works only if you can burn CDR's, and can boot CDR's on the console. But anyways, it should do the job.
The bigger problem might be to get people to disassemble their consoles, on a PSone it's easy (only 6 screws), but on PSX you have to remove about 20 screws and might even need to lift/desolder the on-board shielding plate... but if you've solved that... then you can entitle yourself as "crazy hardware hacker" ; - )

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Post by Myria » August 25th, 2016, 2:38 pm

I have a dump of the SCPH-7000W ROM if you want it, and could take pictures of the board if you want. The ROM is different than the standard SCPH-7001, having a date of about a month earlier.

(SCPH-7000W has an American-region ROM, because English is better for a worldwide system's menus, and because the Japanese ROM has a secondary region check.)

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Post by Firefall » November 10th, 2016, 9:55 am

Here are some pictures of the circuit boards of my PSOne SCPH-101 for you nocash:
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Post by Firefall » November 10th, 2016, 10:01 am

...and the second part:
I hope they help you! :)
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Post by rama3 » April 16th, 2017, 11:11 pm

ver: 3.0j
crc32: FF3EEB8C
pins: 32pin
chip name: "[SONY], 1030"
mechacon: C 1030, SC430925PB
board name: PU-18 1-664-537-31
console: SCPH-5500
notes: single EDO RAM Chip (IC106), 4 ferrite beads on disc motor lines

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Post by nocash » April 17th, 2017, 10:09 pm

Thanks! I've added it to the list in the first post.

EDIT May 2024: But I seem to have forgotten to add the info about 4.4a from the posts from Firefall ... ile&u=1437 which contain the CRC and chipset photos - added that now, better late than never.
Last edited by nocash on May 2nd, 2024, 12:26 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by Traace » May 8th, 2017, 12:55 am

Something new:

ver: 1.1j
crc32: 3539DEF6
pins: 40pin
chip name: "[SONY] 1002, MX23L4100-15, 26231A"
mechacon: 424660
board name: PU-7 1-655-322-15
console: SCPH-3000

Gaming Devices (Sony only):
PS1: 1xSCPH-7502 (Still unmodded)
PS2: 1xSCPH-70002 (FMCB)
PS3: 1xCECHG04 4.81.2 Rebug CFW

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Post by nocash » May 9th, 2017, 3:39 am

Thanks! MX23L4100-15 sounds like some standard part number, ah, yes, there's a MX23L4100 mask rom datasheet (somehow I've never thought about looking for datasheets for PSX ROMs yet). The -15 is probably, and the 4-digit 1002 is probably the ROM version (although v1.0j has that same number, too).

With the datasheet it's also more (un-)clear why they've used 40pin chips. As by now, nine pins were said to be "unused". One of them is just GND, one is /BYTE, and the other seven are D8-D14, and, A0 could be alternately used as D15.
I've just checked on an EARLY-PU-8 board: D8-D14 are actually connected as so, but /BYTE is hardwired to GND, and A0/D15 is hardwired to A0. So they have a superfast chip with 16bit data bus, but they are running it only in slow 8bit mode, but at least they've almost managed to implement working 16bit access ; (

Ah, and the later ROM chips like M534031E-47 have datasheets, too. (MS-)M534031E is a standard mask ROM part number, but, in this case, the -45, -46, and -47 suffices are for SCPH-100, 101, and 102 (instead of indicating the ROM speed).

EDIT: Also added crc and chip names for the SCPH-5903 Video Disc version, with thanks to TriMesh.

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Post by rama3 » December 19th, 2017, 2:37 am

This might be a picture of the very last PSone. I've never seen that -82 motherboard subrevision either. The ROM is probably the missing 4.5a.

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Post by Armorant » January 4th, 2018, 7:15 am

rama3 wrote: December 19th, 2017, 2:37 am This might be a picture of the very last PSone. I've never seen that -82 motherboard subrevision either. The ROM is probably the missing 4.5a.
So, the 1-679-335-82 is the very last MOBO? I do have one, SCPH-103J. Just curios if there are any others.

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Post by rama3 » January 4th, 2018, 8:07 pm

Probably, yes. It isn't mentioned in the last service manual that's available. And look at all these chip manufacture dates: late 2004!

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Post by Armorant » January 28th, 2018, 8:07 pm

SCPH-103(J) BIOS is 4.5 version as I can see in HEX editor. Cause of original BIOS collection thread is locked I'll post it here.
SCPH-103(J) PM-41(2) MOBO REV 82.7z
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Post by nocash » January 10th, 2023, 12:41 am

What you have dumped/uploaded there is the regular v4.5a version with CRC32=171BDCEC.
Why did you call it "SCPH-103(J)", is there a (J) on the sticker? It sounds like Japanese version, which it isn't.

When dumping something: Please also include the part numbers for adding them in the above table (which is still unknown for v4.5a).

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Post by MasterLink » January 27th, 2025, 5:18 am

Want to contribute to 2.0A with CRC 55847D8C from my DTL-H1001H.

The IC is marked as follows:
KF5202Y 2000

PU-8 1-658-467-11, Mechacon is "MC68HC705L16"

I can also confirm however, my friend has an SCPH-1001 dated October of 95, that also has the same CRC as my DTL. So this ROM does seem to have been used in retail units. Their Mechacon part number is "424688" and has Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. written on it as well.
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