PSNee With Teensy++ 2.0

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PSNee With Teensy++ 2.0

Post by CyberdogUK » December 31st, 2021, 12:18 pm

Today i programed a PSNee Modchip using a Teensy++ 2.0 and a Arduino Pro Mini and just wanted to document it so anyone else that wants to make one for themself.

Programming the teensy++ 2.0 as an SPI Programmer

Start off by Installing Install Arduino IDE 1.8.19 and Teensyduino and Fire up your Arduino IDE, Load up the ArduinoISP Example File:Examples>ArduinoISP>ArduinoISP you need to make a small change to the code so you can get the LED on the Teensy to work to do this scroll down to where it says #define LED_HB 9 and change this to read #define LED_HB 6 now upload the code to your teensy and you should see the LED Blinking if so this means your teensy is now a SPI Programmer.
[Dont forget to select your Board Type Tools>Board>Teensyduino>Teensy++ 2.0] Although i accomplished this on a Teensy++ 2.0 i dont see any reason why i wouldnt work on any of the others although you may need to workout the wireing for those other boards.

Wireing Up The Teensy to the Arduino Pro Mini

Now Wire up your Teensy++ 2.0 or other teensy board[GND, $v, B1 SCK,B3 MISO,B2 MOSI,C0 SS <The SS Pinout is set to Pin 10 for reset instead of the B0 Pin, As set by the ArduinoISP Scetch REf: #define RESET 10 // Use pin 10 to reset the target rather than SS>]. to your Arduino in my case i used a
Arduino Pro Mini [GND, RAW(5v)Pin 10 <SS>, Pin 11<MOSI>, Pin12<MISO>, Pin13<SCK>].

Now that you have the Teensy Programed and wired upto the Arduino you can upload the PSNee Binary to your
Arduino Pro Mini
Set Board Type to Arduino Pro or Pro Mini, Processor to ATMega328p and Clock to 16 or 8mhz depending on your boards clock, PORT: COM4 or whatever your teensy has assigned it and Programmer = Arduino as ISP

Now From the Menu Sketch > Upload Using Programmer "Now this i where i run into trouble and was getting some wierd errors about wrong signatures and such and i found that if you hold the reset button on the Arduino while uploading it went and uploaded succesfully.

I hope this Helps some of you out there trying to programe the Arduinos with PSNee Open source Modchip.

Teensy Pinouts Reference

Arduino Pinouts Reference

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Post by leafy » January 10th, 2022, 5:21 am

Nice, yet another AVR development board that can be used for SPI programming. Personally, I used bare ATtiny 45 or ATmega chips, and for those one needs to look at the Arduino schematic, the datasheet pinout, andthe PSNee source to determine the real pin map for the physical chip legs. I did find a nice cross reference pin doc on the PSNee V7 site for various Arduino versions (Pro Micro, etc.) but not the actual AVR chip pins. Those I talk about in the PSNee V8 thread on this forum.

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