jman wrote:
OK, I've connected TX with RX and activated local echo. When TX/RX are short-circuited I see on console my input twice, when I remove the TX redirection into RX I only see it once; I think the cable is ok.
Seems like it, although your adapter has RTS and CTS which you should also bind together.
jman wrote:
Do you mean PuTTY speed? Because the Windows binary of PSXSERIAL is not configurable. Anyway whatever I set the connection to (115200, 8N1, parity=none, flow control=none) I don't have anything back on console.
Yes. Make sure TX/RX RTS/CTS loopback works properly on standard speeds (9600, 38400, 115200).
If it doesn't work with 115200 then you will have to use another adapter.
PC client is not configurable because 115200 is the fastest speed PS1 will accept
and I doubt anyone wants slower upload speed (which really is slow as it is).
jman wrote:
By the way, why on Windows I have to launch first PSXSERIAL and then re-invoke it with parameters?
And after the upload is finished, what is it supposed to happen? The EXE should be executed automatically, correct?
There is no "double launch" requirement. PC client is a command line software and requires parameters to work.
If you don't supply any parameters usage will be shown but that doesn't mean you need to run it without parameters first.
Yes, when uploaded application should start automatically.
I don't know why Shadow did not leave some info like the original Hitmen PS1 application had.
That way you would at least know if you got something or not.
Also, ignore "Transmission acknowledged". PC side only sends while PS1 side only receives.
That's how it originally is and that's how my Send.NET application (which PC PSXSERIAL side is based on) operates.
Dev console: SCPH-7502, FreePSXBoot, CH340 serial cable.